Corporate Healthcare

In order for modern businesses to perform today, they require happy, healthy employees who are engaged with their work and motivated to perform.  Whilst most modern companies offer superb working conditions, employees are statistically working longer hours often with early starts, late finishes and short lunches.  At times, the pressures to balance work and home-life can mean that your employees feel like they aren’t left with enough hours in the day, meaning that their own personal health and well-being can be the loser in the battle of competing priorities.


About 7.6 million working days were lost due to work-related back pain and other musculo-skeletal disorders from 2010 to 2011.  The most common causes of back pain are strained muscles or ligaments, wear and tear, bad posture and stress (NHS UK).  Employees who have access to tailored healthcare in the workplace are not only more likely to treat health concerns before they manifest to a stage where absence from the workplace occurs, but in such cases where absence does occur these individuals are more likely to return to full productivity in the workplace in greatly reduced time-frames. 


Our comprehensive Health screen aims to check for early signs of chronic disease in the body and identify aspects of their health in need of improvement. This may involve an onward referral to their GP or other health care practitioner. However, it is much more common to require lifestyle advice for specific changes that can be made in order to reverse the downward trend of ill health.  This health screen can in some instances be a life saving intervention but can also be used to optimise current fitness levels in already fit individuals. 


How can we help?

In order to make sure your employees are in the optimum state of health to meet the challenges your business demands of them, we will provide a tailored solution based on the needs of both the employer and the employee.


Typically this solution can consist of an individual in-clinic assessment to identify any current concerns, followed by a bespoke treatment designed to alleviate the immediate complaint, whilst ensuring that measures are taken to prevent further problems by way of advice and exercise prescription. Alternatively, some employers find it more convenient to arrange for in-house treatment to be available to their employees. A warm, private, designated space (such as an office) is usually required for treatments to be carried out. These visits can be arranged at intervals to suit the company. 


A good example of an issue facing modern office based employees may be a postural imbalance.  This condition may have been caused by a historic sporting injury or even childbirth.  Living with a postural imbalance can hinder your employee's ability to perform to their optimum level and can be a causative factor in many other health issues such as migraines, neck and shoulder pain or disc problems to name a few. 


The chronic symptoms of such a condition can be treated in as few as 3 treatments, with each session taking 30 minutes.  Treatments can be undertaken at the employer’s premises or outside of office hours to minimize the impact on your employee’s working day with the frequency of these visits arranged to suit both employer and employee.


Prevention is better than cure and also works out being more cost effective. If an employee is not able to work due to injury then the company is not only losing that employee's expertise and work load but they are also paying their daily salary. In the case of musculo-skeletal issues and some instances of migraines and headaches, Osteopathy is able to prevent issues from arising in the first place and if injury has occurred can get your employees out of pain and back into work quicker.


What are the main benefits to your company?

  1. Osteopaths have the skill and knowledge to diagnose many health issues outside of musculo-skeletal disorders and make pro-active specific onward referral to other health specialists. This can lead to appropriate assessment and treatment at an earlier stage and a faster return to health and work.   
  2. Our comprehensive health screen is designed to identify markers for ill health in advance of symptoms appearing. Rather than waiting long enough for someone to become unwell and display signs of a chronic disease, it is much better for the individual if they can be given lifestyle advice that can prevent them becoming sick in the first place. 
  3. Treatment processes are streamlined to ensure that the maximum number of employees may be seen in one working day.
  4. We can offer a discounted treatment rate specifically aimed at corporate clients.
  5. Our holistic treatment is designed to improve the general health of your employees, whilst minimizing the adverse effect that any diagnosed or undiagnosed conditions may have on their ability to perform in their daily lives.
  6. Pro-active treatment can prevent conditions manifesting in the first place.
  7. Long-term cost savings by reducing sick leave related absenteeism. 
  8. Offering such a service to your employees will enhance the employer/employee relationship and can improve productivity and staff retention.

"We are an e-gaming company based in Douglas and we recognise that our employees are our most important asset. We teamed up with Adam to offer his Osteopathy services as a part of our health & fitness employee reward scheme. The on-line booking system is an easy and efficient way for our staff to book an appointment time and the central location on Douglas promenade, offering treatments during and outside office hours, is both convenient and offers a very relaxing environment. We have had some fantastic employee feedback on experiencing relieved stress and muscle aches to having their back problems corrected, which have existed for years. We would recommend using Adam’s Osteopathy services to any company who are interested in investing in the health of their employees."


To find out more about our corporate scheme and the discounts available, please contact the clinic. Remember, Osteopathy is covered by most health insurance providers.